Melody’s Success Story

My daughter Melody just turned 14. She has a focal cortical dysplasia, resulting in cerebral palsy, auditory neuropathy, learning disabilities, memory and central language processing issues. She is an intelligent girl, but I have been working to teach her to read for years with very little success. When she was 11, I found out about vision therapy, which I had never heard of before, despite taking her to speech, occupational and physical therapy since she was three. Dr. Fisher was recommended to me, and after two years of vision therapy, mostly by Zoom due to covid, Melody made significant improvements in all areas related to vision and language. Four months ago her final testing by Dr. Fisher showed the amazing results! But what Dr. Fisher does not know yet, because we have not seen her since then, is that in four months Melody’s reading has improved from below first grade level to third grade level. I am ecstatic! Her learning is growing at an exponential rate, with improvements in all subject areas. Thank you so much Dr. Fisher, you have been a blessing to Melody and our family. She reads every day now.”  

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