Laney’s Success Story
“When Laney started kindergarten she was so excited to learn. She loved reading and math. Pretty quickly it became apparent some things didn’t come as naturally to her as they did with her older sister. I knew I shouldn’t compare my kids and the older one was quite advanced with reading. Still, she had some areas to work on according to her kindergarten teacher. Things like rhyming just didn’t click. And many of her letters were backwards. She was still ‘testing’ high, but I was uneasy with her progress and the challenges she had reading. We were fortunate when Covid hit in March 2020 that I was able to work from home and really see what was going on. It was immediately apparent we had a larger situation on our hands. Things really were not clicking. We sought out a dyslexia expert who worked with Laney all summer. We saw some progress and felt pretty good going into 2nd grade. We had some strategies and with her schooling from home we felt we could provide the support she would need to get her over the hump. There is truly nothing more frustrating than watching your child work hard at something to see them not make progress. It was March 2021 when I learned about vision therapy. I read all about it and nearly everything on the sheet said ‘Laney, Laney, Laney.’ I reached out to Dr. Fisher for an evaluation and it was quickly apparent that Laney’s eyes were not working together. We began therapy in May 2021. It was a lot of work. Laney was a trooper, she didn’t complain (maybe because we had quite the prize stash and reward program) or maybe because she could see the results and things coming easier. Whatever it was, we put in the time to do all the therapy Dr. Fisher prescribed. We tried to make it fun, sometimes it was exhausting, sometimes mom and dad tried it out to find out just how hard the work was! Laney graduated from therapy in April 2022. She never writes her letters backwards, she doesn’t lose her place on the page, she can sound out words she doesn’t know, she isn’t anxious reading in a group. We have a few things we need to work on that are outside of the scope of vision therapy, but Dr. Fisher was able to identify those for us as well so that we can work with a SLP. Anyone who has a child who gets frustrated reading, or is writing backwards, or is challenged with spelling should consider looking into vision therapy and I would highly suggest Dr. Fisher with Sunflower Vision. Dr. Fisher met Laney where she was. When Laney was frustrated we moved on, there was an expectation to do the work but no pressure on how fast it would work. There was a lot of work on our own so you have to be willing to make that commitment. But Dr. Fisher sets those expectations and helps to ensure your family can meet them. I tell everyone how happy we are with the results!”
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